Looks vs. quality. Amateur vs. professional. These are the types of customers I stereotypically encounter while working at Fry’s Electronics as a camera saleswoman. Many customers I come across that want to purchase a camera tend to have a basic knowledge of what a camera does. With that in mind, they come in wanting a camera that has basic capabilities; point and shoot, something easy to use, produce decent quality pictures, and something that works. What are they really asking? They want a camera that does an all right job of taking pictures that looks the best and is fairly inexpensive. The major component is INEXPENSIVE. I analyze the customers that come in. I can see they check for the durability of the camera, many want the modern technology, the one and only touch screen pad, and the compact and sleekness size of the camera. These customers tend to not care about what specific features the camera has to offer. They usually pick up the camera, play with it a little, pointing it and shooting it. They look at the quality of the photo produced on the screen of the camera not knowing the picture shown on the screen does not necessarily reflect what will be produced on a photograph. A camera I tend to sell a lot that not only looks sleek but has great features is the Sony DSC-TX9.
Many companies want to produce a product that covers 5 basic areas of ergonomics: safety, comfort, ease of use, performance (productivity), and aesthetics. The Sony DSC-TX9 will be analyzed using these criteria.
Safety. What’s not safe about this product? It is a little heavy for its size, but nothing bulges out. Unlike many cameras, the lens does not protrude out, where children can get hurt by its concavity. It is a square piece of metal that does not have any sharp corners. Each corner is slightly curved. The camera is safe.
Comfort. This camera is a sleek point and shoot camera that easily fits in your pocket. It can be easily held. It is a square object thick enough to sit on your hands. The texture is quite smooth, so roughness is not one of the flaws that this camera has.
Ease of use. This camera is an easy to use camera once you get used to it. Like most cameras, once you look though the menu and features, what it has to offer, you will understand how to operate the device and be able to shoot different pictures depending on your preference and environment. There are tons of features on this camera that are a touch away. Sometimes, if you want to make a few changes to the scene or background of your picture like the ISO, it is only a few touches away. Many people might find it difficult to use the 3.5’’ touch screen because they are not used to sensitivity of the screen, but getting use to it is the key. It should not take too long.
Performance. Of course this is not the best camera in the world that takes every single kind of picture a professional wants, but it has a lot of awesome key components to the camera. Its rapid 10 frames per second speed burst that can capture action and sports shots and its 3D seep panorama capability where it takes pictures of buildings and even a moving crowd or bicyclist as a single long strip of picture, it’s amazing with what it can do. It has 1080i high definition video resolution video, recording about 12 minutes of video on an SD card or a memory stick pro duo, either or. With its 12MP camera, it takes crystal clear shots in the dark and places where the lights are dim. This camera is an improvement from the Sony DSC-TX7. Differences include a 12MP instead of 10MP; the glossy screen is enhanced adding an extra layer of film for better protection, and 3D instead of isweep panorama. Although this camera lacks in the zoom department containing only 4x, it contains a handful amount of cool features than most.
Aesthetics. It is definitely sleek and stylish. That’s what the consumers see first. As much as many people hate to admit it, appearance does matter. After taking the camera home, these consumers are later shocked with the features they later explore.
Companies want to show off a good performing camera where their consumers would like to show off and brag about. The Sony DSC-TX9 does just that. Not only does it look sleek and is pocket sized, something many people enjoy, but it also contains some of the features you typically see in a dslr camera.