Monday, October 18, 2010

Comparison and Contrast

Many people know Whitney Port from MTV’s reality show “The Hills” and “The City.” She is a fashion designer who allowed MTV to dive into her life, displaying her struggles and achievements through a reality show. On the show “The City,” we see her work for Teen Vogue and People’s Revolution, who helped start her career as a fashion designer and helped her launch her collection, Whitney Eve. Her collection was inspired by the places she’s lived in and places she has been to. She says that her inspiration is from florals, metallics, and a girly colorful style of design.
In Whitney’s collection, we see many similarities as well as a few differences between each outfit. You can tell what kind of look Port was going for: the girl—the sweet, and innocent look. Each outfit had its own style but they all definitely complement the femininity of the body. Most of the outfits were dressy but with a softer tone to them. Each outfit is unique in its own way through different tones of color. For example, one dress is purple, green, and orange where you can see patches of each color where they are not noticeably blended. Another dress uses the same colors, but they are blended very well where you cannot see sharp lines or creases between each color. Another dress uses the same colors and is shown where the colors are not blended like the first but the outfit is a halter top dress. Whitney Port utilizes the same colors with different types of outfits, so they compare yet contrast in that same sense. Other dresses include a gray v-neck short dress where the v-neck draws down to the breast area. Another dress has a top half in that same style but the dress itself is not short, but is long and flowing all the way down to the ankle. In her spring 2010 Collection, you see these similarities with subtle differences.

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