Monday, October 11, 2010

Creativity from Without

Many people tend to think that creativity always come from within. You must have feelings and that there must be meaning behind this masterpiece or artwork. I say it doesn’t have to be. It can come from nowhere, from without. It just becomes. One may doodle in class while a lecture or presentation is taking place. That little drawing may end up being a magnificent art form. This creation didn’t come from planning and too much thought process. No feeling needed to be conveyed, no message needed to be expressed. People can perform outside of themselves and let their hand do the thinking not caring if the mind isn’t the ultimate thinker.

Thinking outside of the box welcomes creativity. This process of imagination can be summed up with the class get-together, Stone Soup, a project we did in our Des 001 class where we just meshed up our material and created something. There was no planning ahead, just doing. Another example is the Nobel Prize winners who discovered graphene just by fooling around. Creating from without is unexpected and can lead to something amazing.
Also, you can perform art from without by creating something you have never done before. Let your imagination guide you through it. Relax and express yourself however you want. A dab here and a dab there may start out as something little and looks bizarre, but may turn out to be something powerful. You step back and take a look at the creation that you just made and say “wow”. Why not think outside the box and think from without?

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